Design process

I tailor fit our approach based on the project's requirements and the team. Once I have an understanding of the project I outline a strategy that can achieve the best results with the team’s skill sets for both the user and the business. This is not a waterfall approach, there is often overlap and iteration to achieve the best possible solution.


1. Research, understand, empathize

  • Research to understand the business needs and the current landscape
  • Further research to understand the user’s needs, goals and desires
  • Avoid assumptions whenever possible and always revisit them


– Requirements gathering
– Stakeholder and user interviews
– Persona development
– Competitive analysis
– Usability testing
– Analytics review

Step 1

Personas for Dyno – British Gas

2. Strategize & define

  • From research findings, define strategy, scope and approach
  • Identify what is needed to progress
  • Define what success looks like


– Heuristic reviews
– Card sorting
– Structure & IA
– Defining strategy
– User flows & journey mapping
– Task modelling


Card Sorting for Friends of the Earth

3. Brainstorm, concept, ideate

  • Explore and define visual styles
  • Define a tone of voice
  • Sketching and wireframes


– Mood boards
– Copywriting
– Sketching

4. Design & prototype

  • Prototype to test out how findings from previous steps “feel”
  • Sense checks, accessibility checks, legal checks
  • Review and reiterate with the engineering team
  • Get feedback, revise and repeat until the optimal solution is found


– Design and prototyping tools (Figma, Sketch & inVision, XD)
– Sketching
– Contrast and accessibility tools and checks


Responsive Wireframes for Riverford Organic

5. Implement, test & reiterate

  • Document design decision, interactions, content, components
  • Define a design system
  • QA: work with development team to ensure accuracy
  • User testing ideally happens throughout the process and should absolutely happen after launch
  • Report on progress
  • Define a hypothesis for optimization


– AB testing
– Usability testing
– Test against success measures


Testing Strategy for Friends of the Earth
